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MyAv番号查询--[10.05.16.Amelia.Rose]Streets To The Sheets

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番號: 发布时间: 2010-05-16
時長: 片商: realitykings


Today I went to watch a soft ball game at the park but for some reason there was no game going on. I decided to sit there for a few minutes to see if some people started to show up but no luck. Then I happened to see this lovely young lady walking by looking for her lost dog. She only had a 20$ reward for the dog if anyone found him. I decided to try to help her out. If she would hang out with me for a little bit I would give her 100$ in which she could use as the reward money if someone found the dog. Well long story short we hung out she gave me a great blowjob and I gave her what I promised. We all left happy. Enjoy!



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